Monday, 8 July 2019

Tarot & Graphology Reading #4 How can I boost my energy levels?

Querent’s Question:

How can I boost my energy levels?  

Past, Present, Obstacle, Future spread

Tarot Card Reading:

 In the past there have been so many apparent choices and ways to boost your energy levels that you have felt confused and unable to decide which way to go. However in the present you have found good, analytical, objective advice on the subject but for some reason your success appears as an obstacle for you. 

Is it that you believe you are already having success so are ignoring the advice? Or that you resent the advice and so are blocking your own success? Whichever it is, the World, being a major arcana card has more power than the King of Swords so what you see as your success is overshadowing the good advice being offered. 

If things keep going this way, in the future this will cause you anxiety and worry. Also note that both the present and the future are swords – analytical thinking - cool, calm logic.  There is a place for that, undoubtedly, but overthinking can lead to stress and distress.

Handwriting Reading:

 Confusion is not strong in your handwriting, but it is present. However you do have organizational ability which should offset that to some extent

Where the lines of writing are touching each other and almost touching each other show that confusion is not far off at any time.  However your evenly divided ‘f’s show your organizational ability, as mentioned before, so by working with that you may perhaps gain more clarity about the past and also about right now.

The cards show that someone cool and wise is offering you good advice but you are in some way using your success in improving your energy as an obstacle to accepting this advice. The loops on the ‘t’ stems in your writing illustrates that you are extremely sensitive to criticism so it is likely that the advice you got, which from the King of Swords is perhaps not being delivered very diplomatically, has offended you. You may be feeling hurt about the way things were said. As a result you are claiming you already have success and using that as reason not to accept the advice. 

Ultimately anxiety is the outcome and this is also showing to some extent in your writing where the baseline is something of a roller coaster, going up and down as you write a line of writing. This is a roller coaster of emotion. Up one minute, down the next. 

However, the lack of initial strokes in the writing show that you are very clear thinking and direct, plus the ‘v’ shaped formations of the ‘m’ and ‘n’s illustrate investigative/analytical thinking, so all these things together give you the ability to analyze the situation, to look coolly at the advice you received, overcome your somewhat irrational sensitivity to see that the advice is really helpful. If you can do this you will find that the world card does indeed bring success and the worry and anxiety showing in the future will dissipate as objectivity takes over.

The future card shows the future as it will be if nothing changes. However, you, in the present, can change anything you want and if you change the now, you will also change the future.

Tarot & Graphology: how to deepen your Tarot Readings with Handwriting
Would you like to learn how to add Handwriting to your Tarot Readings?
This book is practical, hands-on complete with clear illustrations, exercises and quizzes.


Choose a couple of the traits mentioned in this video and look for them in every piece of writing you can find. Then start looking for it in the writing of your Querents, when you ask them to write out their questions for you.

I offer Handwriting Readings, Tarot Readings and combined Tarot & Handwriting Readings. If you are interested, please contact me at

If you have any specific suggestions for posts on this topic,

please let me know:

Fiona MacKay Young

Certified GraphoAnalyst & Tarot Reader

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