Thursday, 20 June 2019

At a Glance Traits to Identify: #1 Margins

When you first start to add handwriting to your Tarot readings, it can be a bit much to remember all the things to look for. So this is the first of a series of posts on at a glance Traits to identify: #1 Margins.

The traits we will cover here are called ‘global traits’ since they show in all of the writing, regardless of the words, letters or writing style.

Margins in General

First look at how the writing is placed on the paper. It doesn’t matter that you only have three of four lines of writing. Is one margin noticeably wider than the other? Does either margin get wider or narrower as it goes down the page? (This will be hard to tell with less than three lines of writing.) Are the margins what you would consider an ‘average’ size or are they wider or narrower than you would generally expect to see?

A margin that won’t tell you anything much is an ‘average’ width margin which is equal on both sides and generally stays the same width all the way down. Obviously the right hand margin is ragged but it’s still possible to see if it gets narrower or wider as the text goes down the page.

Do the Margins change in width?

Margins that get narrower as they go down the page show someone who is heading in the direction the margin is heading in.

So if the left margin is getting narrower, the writer is heading to the left, which is the past. This writer is inclined to dwell or go back to the security of the past.

If it is the right hand margin that is getting smaller, the writer is heading towards the future. They are future oriented. And since the future is unknown, if this is very obvious, if the right hand margin is quickly getting narrower, then this writer is also a risk taker.

A margin that doesn’t change is someone who is holding an even keel.

What to say to your Querent

  • When the left margin gets wider you can tell your querent that they are leaving the past behind and moving on.
  • When the left margin gets narrower you can tell your querent that they have a tendency to cling to the past, especially when things become uncomfortable for them
  • When the right margin gets wider you can tell your querent that they may plan taking a risk, but may draw back if it seems too difficult, scary or too much of a change
  • When the right margin gets narrower you can tell your querent that they start off more cautious but as things move along they get more daring and more willing to take risks.

One Margin consistently Narrower

If the margin doesn’t change as it goes down the page, but the left margin is always noticeably narrower than the right, then it is someone who habitually clings to the past.

If it is always narrower on the right, it is someone who is generally future focused.

What to tell your Querent

  • When the left margin is consistently narrower than the right, you can tell your querent that they are inclined to stick with the past, with the tried and true.
  • When the right margin is consistently narrower than the left, you can tell your querent that they are a risk taker, willing to try new things and enjoy adventure.
Extreme Margins

If both margins are very narrow, using up as much space as possible on the paper, it is someone who is thrifty.  They are making full use of all the paper space. This will usually also apply to the top and bottom margins if it’s a full page of writing.

If both margins and the top and bottom margins are very wide it is someone who likes their own space.  They may be friendly and sociable but they won’t appreciate being crowded or intruded upon. 

When this is extremely exaggerated and the space around the writing is really huge, it shows someone who feels in isolation from the rest of the world.

What to tell your Querent

  • When the writing uses up every available inch of space on the page you can tell your querent that they are thrifty, that they make the best use they can of what they have rather than always going for something new or bigger. The exception to this is if they were required to write a certain amount on a small piece of paper so had no choice but to squeeze it in.
  • When the writing has very wide margins all around, you can tell your querent that they need their space, they need both physical and mental space in their life and lots of it.

Margins are easy and quick to check out, but they do give considerable information. And if you think about what each margin means, it is really quite self-explanatory so once you’ve done it a couple of times, checking margins out can quickly become something you can add to your Tarot and handwriting readings.

Find out more about how to add Handwriting to your Tarot Readings here


I offer Handwriting Readings, Tarot Readings and combined Tarot & Handwriting Readings. If you are interested, please contact me at

If you have any specific suggestions for posts on this topic,

please let me know:

Fiona MacKay Young

Certified GraphoAnalyst & Tarot Reader

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