How does GraphoTherapy work with Tarot? In a nutshell, GraphoTherapy is “Change your Handwriting,
Change your Life.”
Handwriting is brain writing. It is not the hand that
decides how you write. It’s your brain.
And your sees and acts according to your personality. If something feels
natural, it belongs to your personality. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. However it
can be made to … and that is what Graphotherapy is all about.
Tarot + Handwriting = ?
But what if you don’t have what you need to cope with what
is coming up? What if your Handwriting shows that what you really need, you
just don’t have? Or what if it will probably be OK with what you have, but it
could be so much better if you could respond in a different way?
That’s where GraphoTherapy comes in.
That’s where GraphoTherapy comes in.
If you change your writing to include the traits you want to
have and banish those you don’t want to have you will start to behave in
accordance with the new traits that are now part of your personality. Of course
it doesn’t happen overnight and that is where the two levels of GraphoTherapy –
conscious and subconscious – come into play.
While you are still deliberately writing with the new
strokes, it is your conscious mind that is making it happen. The new trait, the new behavior, is not part
of your personality yet. But as you practice, you are focusing on what you are
doing and how you are writing. Your focus is on the strokes for the new
personality traits that you are adding. And as anyone who has even learned
anything about the Law of Attraction knows what you focus on expands.
Focus, Focus, Focus
So as you practice, as you focus on the new trait or traits
that you are adding to your handwriting, you are focused on them. Not only will
you notice as you write the necessary strokes, but you will also notice in your
behavior whether you are or are not behaving in accordance with these new
personality trait additions or subtractions. You want to act in the new way.
That is why you are adding or removing these strokes from your handwriting.
you, with your heightened awareness of these traits and the behavior associated
with them, will notice much, much more than you previously would have, when you
are acting in the new way or the old way.
And if you find yourself acting in the old way, probably you will
immediately do what you can to change it to the new way. After all, you have
chosen to change and if you notice yourself not doing this, you most likely
will take steps to make sure that you do what is needed to act in the new way you
have decided to be.
That is the conscious level of GraphoTherapy. It is still
not part of your natural behavior so you have to make the change ‘manually’,
but because your focus is on it, you will notice and have the opportunity to
make the change at any moment.
And here is the Magic…
Then we get to the subconscious part of GraphoTherapy and
this is where the magic really happens.
The subconscious mind is programmed by spaced repetition.
This means that if you repeat your new handwriting strokes over and over again,
with time between each practice session, after a while your subconscious
accepts that this is how you now want to be and it takes over the job of
directing both your writing and your behavior in accordance with what you have
been showing it in your practice.
So the strokes you have been practicing
writing become your natural way of writing. When these strokes are your natural
way of writing, the behavior that goes along with these strokes becomes your
natural way of behaving. This is when you have made the complete change and now
you are who you have been working to become.
Here is an example
Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you have very day to day
goals. This means that you can really do a whole lot more than you think you
can, but you are not aware of this and don’t have the confidence to step out
and go for it. The trait in handwriting that shows underestimating yourself is
the t-bars placed really low on the t-stem.
Your Tarot reading has shown that you are going to have some
amazing opportunities opening up for you. But do you have the confidence to
take advantage of them? You decide to engage in GraphoTherapy to help.
The stroke for ambitious goals is the t-bar at or near the
top of the t-stem, so you decide to practice making your t-bars much higher.
As you practice, every time you write a t-bar high up on the
t-stem, you aware consciously aware that this is your goals that you are
raising up high.
Conscious & Subconscious GraphoTherapy
This is when conscious GraphoTherapy is working. It is
bringing to your awareness every time you write that you want to go after higher
goals. So you start looking at how to do that and start moving towards that
Once you find that you are writing those t-bars up high
quite without thinking about it that means you have now completed the change
and high goals as well as high t-bars are now part of your natural way of
writing and being. Subconscious GraphoTherapy has taken over. You have
succeeded. You will now start to gradually notice that you aim higher without
even really thinking about it. It has become your natural way of looking at
The Tarot told you about opportunities and your Handwriting
and GraphoTherapy have given you the tools to make the very best of whatever
opportunities come your way. They have worked together to create the change you
wanted. You have made “Change your Handwriting, Change your Life” work for you.
And here’s the Bonus
And there is even a bonus.
If at a later date you find your t-bars sliding back down the t-stem a
bit, if you just practice pushing them up again, you have the chance to get
your goals back up there again before the slide starts to show in your behavior
because it shows in the writing before it shows in your actions.
There are many, many opportunities to make changes to your
life by making changes to your handwriting. However, raising your goals is one
I can not only vouch for on behalf of many of my clients, I can also vouch for
it personally. This is one of the very first changes I made to my writing when
I first started to study Graphology and GraphoTherapy.
So I can tell you from firsthand
knowledge that it works. A couple of times over the 25+ years since I first
raised my t-bars and my goals, I have
seen the t-bar start to slip a little bit down. Each time I have
practiced again till it stayed perched on top of the t-stem naturally again.
And it works. Not only have my t-bars soared but my confidence in my abilities
has soared every bit as high.
It can work on whatever change you want to make
Perhaps goals are not what you would work on. There are
countless options. Whatever you need to get what you want. Whomever you want to be to achieve what you
want to achieve. Whatever the Tarot tells you about that you don’t want to miss
out on … or if it’s a difficult situation showing in the cards, whatever you
need to avoid it… either way, your handwriting and GraphoTherapy can help you
achieve it.
What would you like to change?
I offer Handwriting Readings, Tarot Readings and combined Tarot & Handwriting Readings. If you are interested, please contact me at
If you have any specific suggestions for posts on this topic,
please let me know:
Fiona MacKay Young
Certified GraphoAnalyst & Tarot Reader
I have tried Graphotherapy and it does really work. It takes time and practice but the results are fantastic. I hadn't thought of it in combination with Tarot, but I can see no reason why it would not be just as brilliant with that.