Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Handwriting and Tarot Combination: What do Querents think?

Quick answer: they love it!

When I started doing the Tarot/ Handwriting combination I was enthusiastic about it because I could see how much each added to the other, but I was not sure how other people would view it. Fast forward to today. I have had so much encouragement, so many wonderful reviews that I just have to tell you that it not only works but it is extremely well received.

The querent still gets the full, unchanged tarot reading. You do it just like you’ve always done. And if you like you can do it completely from start to finish before you even look at the writing. My own preference is when I do smaller readings, such as three cards I will do the entire reading before looking at the cards. Or if I am doing a reading with more cards, I will stop periodically to look at the handwriting. But as you get used to using the combination you will find you just go from one to the other quite naturally as you feel the need. You get in the way of it quite easily.

How this helps

You tell your querent something that the cards say then you look to their writing to see if there is anything there to take advantage of a good situation or to help them deal with a problematic one and you use that to encourage them. This way the querent is not left just knowing what might be coming down the road, but they also have had it brought to their awareness what they have in their personality that will help.

Most people already know a great deal about themselves, but to have someone else remind them that they have this or that strength can be so empowering. Now it’s not just they themselves that think it. Someone else has recognized it in them too, and has pointed it out as being of positive use in this predicted situation. The same goes for negative traits, such as procrastination. If the cards say it’s good to move fast, to get on with things, being reminded gently, from the handwriting, that they have a tendency to put things off, might just be the trigger they need to make sure they don’t put things of this time around.

Empowering your Querents

I find that people take very seriously the traits I point out to them and will discuss them at great length and how that can be put to use in the situations shown by the cards. They often will consider a personality trait or traits that I have mentioned and come up with their own suggestion of how this trait or these traits can be put to use at this time or to help in some way. This is excellent since it empowers them. They no longer feel like things are just happening to them, but they feel they have the ability to take control and guide things. It gives them confidence. And the fact that they are coming up with more ideas shows that as things develop for them, this new awareness of their strengths, or in the case of something like procrastination, awareness of a weakness, will heighten their ability to succeed in just about any situation that occurs.

This is particularly true when the reading suggests difficult times ahead. I have had, as I’m sure you have had, querents who end up in tears when the cards show them things they don’t want to have happen, or difficulties they don’t want to have to face.

By showing them what in their writing they have that will get them through these times, and perhaps even make it possible to change some things about what will occur, gives them hope.

The cards can give them hope too, of course, but the difference is  that the cards, should  they come back for another reading, might tell them more bad news or suggest other problems on the horizon. It is always uncertain what the cards will tell. They will reliably tell what the situation is, but that for most people is always changing, so the readings are always changing too. But their handwriting shows who they are deep down inside and that will not change, or at least only very gradually over time. So if more problems arise, whether or not they come back for another reading, they have had it brought to their awareness what strengths they have and they will then be conscious that these can help them through the next problem too.

Tarot + Handwriting = Success

And of course, just as with the cards, the handwriting does not only show problem related things, or problem solving traits. When taking on new adventures, new projects, changing one’s life in any way, the strengths, the positives, the success traits someone has are what will take them to new heights. So when all looks wonderful in the cards, the writing can add encouragement to that by showing that everything needed for success is already inside the querent. Or, if there is anything that might hold them back, that is there too waiting to be revealed with the option of dealing with it ahead of time.

So to me, Tarot and Handwriting go hand in hand. The complement and support each other all the way through. They don’t just give more information together; they give more information and empower the querent.


I offer Handwriting Readings, Tarot Readings and combined Tarot & Handwriting Readings. If you are interested, please contact me at

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Fiona MacKay Young

Certified GraphoAnalyst & Tarot Reader