Tuesday, 28 May 2019

How does GraphoTherapy work with Tarot?

How does GraphoTherapy work with Tarot? In a nutshell, GraphoTherapy is “Change your Handwriting, Change your Life.”

Handwriting is brain writing. It is not the hand that decides how you write. It’s your brain.  And your sees and acts according to your personality. If something feels natural, it belongs to your personality. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. However it can be made to … and that is what Graphotherapy is all about.

Tarot + Handwriting = ?

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Tarot and Handwriting Reading Example #1:What stands in the way of me finding love?

How it works:

A Tarot and Handwriting Reading first shows the reading from the Tarot. This tells the story. Next we look at the Handwriting to see in what way the personality and temperament it shows will either enhance or jeopardize what the Tarot is foretelling. 
Often the Handwriting will show something that also shows in the Tarot. This means that what the Tarot is showing, in this instance, is a natural way for this Querent to behave. So it will probably work out well. 
When the Handwriting shows something that could hinder the story told in the Tarot, the Querent can be warned of their inclination (as shown in the Handwriting) and how it might interfere with the positive outcome suggested by the Tarot. 
When a negative outcome is suggested by the Tarot, the Handwriting can show strengths the Querent has that can help them overcome or deal with the difficulties ahead. 
The two working together in a Tarot and Handwriting reading giving a wider view than either one can do alone. They integrate seamlessly and naturally to give a comprehensive reading.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Handwriting & a difficult Tarot Reading #2: Handwriting to the rescue

Handwriting and a difficult Tarot reading is the topic for this post. Say you are doing a reading for yourself and you get the above cards.
You say “Oh dear! (or something like that!) I have the Tower card, Death and the Four of Swords! What an awful reading. I guess my question of “How will my new job go?” has been answered thoroughly. But I accepted it and I need the money. What can I do?”
I won’t give you my reading of these cards. That is for you to give yourself. But any reading will show that this is not the ideal combination for a new job or anything else.

Handwriting to the rescue

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Handwriting and Tarot Combination: What do Querents think?

Quick answer: they love it!

When I started doing the Tarot/ Handwriting combination I was enthusiastic about it because I could see how much each added to the other, but I was not sure how other people would view it. Fast forward to today. I have had so much encouragement, so many wonderful reviews that I just have to tell you that it not only works but it is extremely well received.

The querent still gets the full, unchanged tarot reading. You do it just like you’ve always done. And if you like you can do it completely from start to finish before you even look at the writing. My own preference is when I do smaller readings, such as three cards I will do the entire reading before looking at the cards. Or if I am doing a reading with more cards, I will stop periodically to look at the handwriting. But as you get used to using the combination you will find you just go from one to the other quite naturally as you feel the need. You get in the way of it quite easily.

How this helps