Sunday 26 April 2020

Tarot & Handwriting Reading #9: What do I need to know about Self-Isolation?

Question: What do I need to know about Self-Isolation?

Tarot Card Reading: 

The Queen of Pentacles says you have everything you need. You will not lack. Be comfortable, grounded and patient.

The High Priestess indicates that although the querent does not know everything that is going on. There may be many secrets hidden from them, their intuition will see them through though, as the 10 of Cups promises, happiness with the people they love.

Handwriting Reading

The handwriting shows that the querent is not overly emotional (mild right slant) so will be able retain their poise in difficult situations. They are well organized ('f' split in the center) and have some ability to come up with new ways of doing things (lower loops - practical imagination.) 

However, this writer tends to be closed to new ideas or at least takes a long time to accept them (closed and very narrow space in lower case 'e') and is showing some resentment (rigid initial strokes.) They like to investigate (inverted V formations on "m" and "n") and analyze information ("V" formations at base of "m" and "n") and so do not like being in the dark in some areas on this topic.

Life would be easier for them if they could appreciate that not knowing everything is not necessarily bad. So long as things go well they have no need for all the information around this topic. 

Both trying to be more adaptable and relaxed (by opening up space inside the lower case "e" and slightly curving the initial strokes) about everything would make life much easier for them. 

I would encourage them to just accept this situation while it lasts knowing that the cards show a happy outcome, and use their investigative abilities to find interesting things to do and learn while at home rather than constantly getting up tight and annoyed that life is not as ‘normal.’

I offer Handwriting Readings, Tarot Readings and combined Tarot & Handwriting Readings. If you are interested, please contact me at

If you have any specific suggestions for posts on this topic,

please let me know:

Fiona MacKay Young

Certified GraphoAnalyst & Tarot Reader

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