Tuesday, 17 September 2019

One Tarot Reading with Two Handwriting Examples

How this works:

Of course this will probably never happen. One Tarot Reading with exactly the same question and the exact same cards appear. But this is just to show the difference there is between readings that is dependent on the handwriting. And that in turn is dependent on the personality of the Querernt. 

First a reading, and then I will relate it to two different handwriting examples. This will demonstrate just what a difference having the writing can make to a reading and what a difference it can make to your Querent to have the reading tailored to their specific personality and current emotional state.

A great many Tarot readings are in answer to questions about relationships, so for this reading the question will be: 
What can I do to improve my relationship?” 

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Tarot + Emotional Expression & Depth of Emotion

Emotional Expression & Depth of Emotion as shown in handwriting

Instead of doing a Tarot reading for this post, I am going to isolate just two personality traits and illustrate how they might affect a Tarot reading. 

The traits are emotional expression and depth of emotion. Each of those shows in a different way and yet they play very much together in how a person both feels and behaves.

How to identify these two traits from writing

First here’s how to identify Emotional Expression & Depth of Emotion from any handwriting. 

Yes, any handwriting because everyone will show their degree of emotional expression and their depth of feeling in their writing. It doesn’t matter whether they write or print or do a mixture of both. All caps shows the least in handwriting, but it shows these two traits too.

And whether the writer is left or right handed doesn’t matter either, although be prepared for the occasional leftie who insists their left slanted writing is a result of writing with their left hand. 

Not true. 

Just as many right handers write with a left hand slant and just as many left handers write with an upright or right hand slant.

How emotionally expressive a writer is shows in the slant of the writing.

Starting with upright writing