Thursday, 18 April 2019

How Graphology and Tarot work and why you should add Handwriting to your Tarot Readings

Tarot readers look at the pictures and the symbols on the cards and gauge what that tells them in response to their querent’s question. Some Tarot readers do this completely intuitively. Some Tarot readers stick pretty much to the ‘traditional’ meanings of the cards. Most do both.

How Handwriting & Tarot work

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Handwriting and Tarot: Top Ten Reasons to use Them Together

  1. Using (Graphology) Handwriting and Tarot together you can greatly increase the depth and scope of your Tarot reading and make it even more helpful and valuable to your querent.
  2. It gives you the tools to encourage your querent by pointing out to them the strengths they have to deal with things when the Tarot reading is difficult